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Mining Power Evolution

An animated virtual tour of Aggreko's provision of power at a WA Gold Mine.

3D Animation

Animation: Angus Ashton Film

Angus Ashton Film was commissioned by Aggreko, the global leaders in temporary power generation, to create a 3d animation video of their successful delivery of power and the evolution towards renewable energy at the Granny Smith Gold Mine. 

What we delivered:

Using satellite imagery and photographs of the Granny Smith Site, we developed a full 3D virtual tour video of the mines power evolution from diesel generators to cleaner renewable energy sources such as gas and solar. Delivered within a tight-timeframe, We provided 3d animation to bring the mine site to life while demonstrating Gold Fields commitment to sustainable gold mining and Aggreko’s industry leading power solutions.

Operated by Gold Fields, one of the worlds largest gold mining firms, the Granny Smith Gold Mine is located in Laverton, Western Australia. With Gold Fields committing to reducing their carbon footprint and utilizing older diesel technology on site, they turned to Aggreko to develop a cleaner power solution. Aggreko not only delivered a 22MW gas power station but would also go on to work with Gold Fields in creating one of the largest solar power microgrids in the world. Utilizing more than 20,000 solar panels, the grid is expected to reduce emissions on site by up to 13% – the equivalent of removing emissions generated by 2000 cars.

Looking to create something similar?

Get in touch to discuss your next 3d animation.

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