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How much does video production
cost in Australia?

The cost of video production in Australia depends on a number of factors,

below are some of the main considerations that will affect the price.

Broadcast Video

Let's start with the four main variables
that will impact the cost of your video production in 2024...

Type: What type of video would you like to make? – Different types of videos require different amounts of time and money to make. Creating a simple 2-minute business overview video for your company website will cost much less than say, a television commercial with a high production value, a unique concept and hired actors. The length of your video will have an impact on cost too, with longer videos generally costing more.

Style: How do you want it to look? – You generally get what you pay for. A well lit or highly styled scene or interview setup is going to take more time and money to achieve, while a basic lighting setup will cost less as its quick to assemble and requires less equipment and planning. Sometimes the later choice of function over form might be all that’s required for your project, while other times a well lit and styled scene is crucial in adding the mood or production value that your brand or company needs.

Platform: Where do you want it screened? – Putting your video on your website and across your social media channels will cost you next to nothing, while having it broadcast on television or in cinema will attract a number of upfront and recurring advertising expenses. Though generally low in comparison, the cost of licensing music also comes into play and varies depending on factors such as the platform your video is screened on (whether for TV, online or internal use), and the size of your company.

Producer: Which Video Production Company will you pay to create it? – Different companies and producers have different rates. These are often based on their experience, company size and location. A production companies specialization or niche may also have an effect on their pricing for various types of videos. Find a company whose work examples and pricing are a good fit for your budget and goals.

Documentary Services Tasmania

Let's have a more in-depth look at the individual components that make up something like a
corporate video, and how much each costs...

Production Companies, Filming & Editing Costs

An emerging practitioner may charge $60 an hour to capture your content, while an established top-tier videographer/DP or production company may charge more than $200 per hour. On average, most companies in Australia will charge between $120 – $300 per hour for videography. Generally larger companies, creative agencies or experienced DP’s with a track record of creating high-end content for brands and television, will cost more. Many production companies will charge either a half day or full day rate rather than charge by the hour. When it comes to editing your video, the hourly cost for a professional editor is often comparable or slightly lower than the cost of filming. Some production companies may package the cost of filming and editing together, with their total amount often being relative to the total sum charged by another company who bill at an hourly rate. Companies will also charge you costs for pre-production services such as scripting and creative concept development for your video. These costs vary widely.

Equipment costs

Your concept may include ideas that require certain equipment to pull off – say for example a mount for attaching a camera to a vehicle, a crane or jib to create dynamic rising camera movement or a teleprompter to prompt someone being interviewed. Many production companies may already have gear such as these in their arsenal. While some may include the use of their equipment as part of their hourly rate, others may bill it as an additional expense. More specialised equipment such as an interrotron or expensive cine lenses will often need to be hired from a rental house as many companies will not have these in their kit.

Music, Voice Over, Graphics etc

Common elements such as voice over, motion graphics and music are added in the editing and post-production stage of your video. These add to the video production cost, yet the price is often not as significant as you may think. Professional voice over by an experienced voice artist of your choice may cost between $150 – $500 for 3 minutes of spoken word. Music Licensing may vary from $20 – $200+ depending on your audience and platform. In Australia production companies often source their music from libraries such as Music Bed, Audio Network or Artlist. Cheaper soundtracks (often with a lower production value) can be licensed from libraries such as Audio Jungle and Premium Beat. Hiring a composer will cost much more than licensing soundtracks from a library but is a great option when a budget allows for it.


Depending on your budget and type of video, actors may be required to sell and explain your story, service or product. In 2023, professional actors in Australia generally cost from $50 – $600+ per hour, with a recognisable face or established actor costing much more.

Broadcast costs

To get your TV commercial broadcast on TV in Australia you will first need to get it approved by ClearAds (formerly known as CAD). Prices will vary depending on your requirements and the nature of your commercial. Once it is approved you may then need to use a Ad Delivery Service such as Adstream to get it delivered to your chosen TV Channel.

What does Video Production Cost in Australia?

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Our simple cost estimator will help you save time and give you an idea about our video production pricing. Please note that the total price displayed is just a guide and your video production cost may be higher or lower than this figure. Please Contact us, fill out a Project Questionnaire, or Chat with us Live to discuss your project and receive a detailed no-obligation quote or free advice for your project. 


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This cost calculator is an indication of average costs, is targeted towards a general promotional video, and may not be applicable for your project. Please get in touch below for a tailored quote or chat with us live for free no obligation advice.

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If you need clarification of any words in this article, check out our video production glossary. It provides simple definitions for key terms used in the video production industry in Australia.

For more info contact us for a
free video production consultation.