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Winter Festival Edinburgh

A video for a unique winter drive-in festival.

Event Video, Edinburgh, UK

Editor: Angus Ashton
Videographer: Northern Collective

An event video edit for the UK tour of the Winter Festival – an exciting, new touring drive-in Christmas event experience that packs a load of live entertainment into a fun and unique night out. 

What we delivered:

We delivered two promotional videos that captured the fun and excitement of participants enjoying the drive-in attractions and Christmas entertainment. The clips showcased participants having fun and enjoying themselves in a time where entertainment can be hard to access. The edit was completed within a rapid 48 hour turnaround timeframe and displayed on the company social media channels.

Angus Ashton Film was commissioned by Florida based company – XL Event Lab, to edit the promotional videos for the event that were shot by Northern Collective Media. Two promo clips, one each for the family and adult sessions of the event were created. Stemming from the success of the Parking Lot Social, XL Event lab once again created a spectacular event space and loaded it with a programme full of interactive entertainment that’s broadcast from the stage straight to peoples vehicles, enabling everyone to come together, while still ensuring social distancing in the crazy era of COVID-19. 

Looking to create something similar?

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