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Video Production Glossary: A Concise Guide

Film and video professionals use specialised terms throughout the process of making a video.

Below, you’ll find a handy glossary outlining commonly used terms in Australia.

This glossary will help you understand important video production terms. Whether you’ve hired a production company and are confused by industry jargon, or just want to refresh your knowledge, this resource will improve your understanding of key concepts and techniques. Knowing these terms will help you communicate better with a video production company.


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This is the stage of video production after filming, involving editing, visual effects, sound design.

The planning phase of video production, including scripting, storyboarding, and scheduling.

A producer generally oversees the entirety of the video production, handling tasks like creative direction, budgeting, scriptwriting, logistics, deadline management, and team communication throughout the process. Their role can vary depending on the specific filmmaking industry they work in - whether that be the film industry making feature films or working within a production company or content agency.